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Found In Training Motivation

How to become an Aerial Instructor 

Becoming an aerial instructor is an exciting and rewarding goal, one that many dedicated aerial students dream of. Getting paid to teach this beautiful art form, workshopping new combinations and tricks to teach a class of starry eyed students, watching said students progress, gaining...
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Training In The Cold: 4 Crucial Tips To Stay Healthy And Injury Free

As Winter sets in and the temperature in most aerial studios (or outdoor training spaces) begins to drop, the risk of injury and illness increases. Not all of us are lucky enough to train in a temperature-controlled environment right now often due to the large studio space and...
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8 Tips To Keep Motivation High During Quarantine

Motivation can be an elusive thing for many of us, in relation to our aerial training or simply life in general. Our motivation levels are threatened more today than ever before.  We are disconnected from people, experiences, and everything that makes us feel whole. Many aerial studios...
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