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Creating Your Aerial Act


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We hope your week has been amazing so far! We thought we would give you a cool link that we think you will enjoy (big time):

We hear this all the time: “I really want to create a solo aerial silks act but I don’t know how!”

Reality: When you are first starting out on your aerial silks journey, it is expected that you are not going to know how to create an act! We certainly didn’t! That’s why it is important to take class, train consistently and develop your own personal style as an aerialist.

From there it is helpful to work with a coach or coaches (like us!) to develop your own act.

As well as choosing tricks to include in your act you must also consider your transitions, music, intention and interpretation.

Once you have developed and performed your first aerial act, it becomes easier to expand on it and create more acts as well as continue to improve and grow as an artist.

Don’t let fear of creating a solo aerial silks act stop you from this important right-of-passage in your aerial career!

We have been fortunate enough to coach MANY aerial students over the years and to help them develop their own aerial silks act for performance or personal use.

In fact, we interviewed a few of them to share with you their experience.

Check out these interviews from some of our Master the Silks students who have recently performed their own aerial silks acts! They share their experiences with learning choreography, letting go of perfection and developing their own personal style.

You can also WATCH some of their acts (un-cut and un-censored) and see their stories come to life!

Creating Your Aerial Silks Act
Interviews with aerialists

Brett and Rachel

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