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How To Develop Fluidity In The Air


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As Seen On

The dictionary defines fluid movement as:

Capable of flowing freely like water

— used to describe something that can change easily or that changes often

: having or showing a smooth and easy style

In Aerial Art we can appreciate the fluidity of an aerialist when his/her transitions and wraps are smooth and elegant, flowing beautifully into a drop or trick so that the entire performance feels effortless.
This ability comes from many hours of training and practice.

Here are some examples of aerialists demonstrating exceptional fluidity:

  – Mizuki Shinagawa
Watch Here
 – Cohdi Harrell
Watch Here
 – Sarah Romanowsky
Watch Here
 – Terry Beeman

Watch Here

Some of these aerialists have had formal dance training which does of course help them access their fluidity in the air. Others have not and have simply spent time, just as they would developing a new skill or trick, working on their fluidity.

Even if you have never taken taken a dance or Yoga flow class, there are plenty of ways you can develop your fluidity as an aerialist:

1. Harness the power of your breath.

We don’t often conscientiously think about breathing in aerial class or while training but co-ordinating your breath with your movement can help you connect it and give your movement more energy and flow.

The next time you are going through a familiar sequence on your apparatus of choice, practice breathing deeply and fully as you move. Inhaling while transitioning, exhaling with any kind of dynamic movement. Not only will this process feel great, it will help you organically connect to your fluidity in the air.


2. Utilize Music

It may not always be possible to train with music and earbuds can be cumbersome but wherever possible try to move to music while in the air. Whether stretching on the ground, conditioning or working on a new trick or sequence, music (particularly the lyrical kind) can help you develop grace and flow by influencing the way you move. Whether you are in class or open workout, try to suspend self judgement, quiet your mind and let the music wash over you. It may feel strange at first but with time you will start to feel connected to what you are hearing and that glorious flow state will surely follow.

3. Practice Improvisation

Once you are comfortable with specific sequences and tricks (and have done them many times with an experienced coach in class), practice making small stylistic changes (while making sure you execute the trick correctly). This may be as small as a change in speed or the position of your head, it could be one less ‘hand grab’ that you have discovered is not necessary or the straightening of a knee. A small amount of experimentation and improvisation is necessary to develop your individual style and fluidity as an aerialist. Be sure to practice improvising in a safe space with good quality safety mats and have a coach or aerial peer nearby.

Remember to be patient with your practice. Fluidity in the air will come to you with dedication, time and practice.

Have a wonderful rest of your week!

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