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How to become an Aerial Instructor 


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As Seen On

Becoming an aerial instructor is an exciting and rewarding goal, one that many dedicated aerial students dream of.

Getting paid to teach this beautiful art form, workshopping new combinations and tricks to teach a class of starry eyed students, watching said students progress, gaining a deeper understanding and respect for aerial as you in turn become the inspiration for a new generation…

The path to aerial instructor-hood can be a confusing one however as many studios have different requirements, trainings and expectations.

If you are interested in pursuing this rewarding career whether full or part-time, we suggest you do these four steps to help you reach your goal..

Start by determining the studio you would ideally like to teach at. It may be your home studio where the other instructors and students already know who you are or it might be one across town or even in another city or state if you are looking to relocate. Once you have decided on your ideal studio, reach out and make contact.

Rather then emailing the studio your resume and video requesting employment (studios tend to get A LOT of these requests), instead ask the studio if you can shadow a class/instructor. This is great way for the studio owners and instructors to get to know you better and for you to determine if you enjoy working at the studio. Shadowing is also beneficial to the studio as it allows for them to have another set of eyes on students. At our studio in LA we consider shadowing to be one-step below assisting, you are not physically spotting or ‘instructing’ students but simply watching/following the instructor, perhaps helping wipe down mats or collecting silks at the end of class. Often times shadowing leads to assisting, which may lead to subbing which MAY (if the stars align!) lead to  regular employment.

There are a number of reputable Aerial Teacher Training programs available both online and in person. In fact some companies focus their entire business on teaching aerial teachers! There are trainings that focus on Beginner students, some Intermediate students, some focus on Silks, some Lyra and others Trapeze. We recommend taking at least two trainings on two different apparatus to build up your skill set and confidence as an instructor.

We highly recommend Paper Doll Militia Teacher Training programs (both in person and online offerings).

Once you have shadowed for a time and completed at least one teacher training program, reach out to the studio owners/manager stating your interest in teaching at the studio and asking what else is required of you. At our studio we require our instructors to complete a First Aid program and in many cases additional trainings for our specific classes. Your studio may be different depending on its structure and offerings but by reaching out at this time let the studio owners know that you are serious, dedicated and ready to learn.

If you are a budding aerial instructor, we wish you much luck, joy and fulfillment on your beautiful aerial journey!

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