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Your Wake Up Call


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As Seen On
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working” – Pablo Picasso

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

An early meeting? Ugh

Fresh coffee and a hot shower? Meh

Signing up for an aerial class? Yea!

Here at Womack and Bowman we tend to keep our aerial calendar pretty full (but not toooo full) in order to help motivate us to train daily and continually improve and grow as artists and educators.

Having both short and long term aerial goals keeps us inspired to jump out of bed in the morning (who are we kidding, it’s usually a long and painful roll to the floor) and fly to the studio in order to tackle the days challenges.

Here is an overview of what we are currently working on:


Short Term Aerial Goals:

Brushing up on ‘bad-ass’ drops.

Inspired by the #TimesUp movement and strong powerful woman such as Malala Yousafzai, Oprah Winfrey and… Wonder Woman  😉 Rachel has been motivated of late to tackle drops that she previously found ‘scary.’

Long (er) Term Aerial Goals:

Developing and maintaining her Back Planche and Reverse Meat Hooks without sacrificing flexibility.


Short Term Aerial Goals:

Creating original drops for Aerial Silks World ‘Dauntless’ workshop.

Brett has been challenging himself lately to develop numerous original drops that he will then break-down and teach during Aerial Silks World, our online Aerial Silks summit on March 24th

Long(er) Term Aerial Goals: 

Brett has been loving studying with experienced personal trainers and physical therapists to learn more about strength training and injury prevention for aerialists over the last few months.

He is currently researching at-home techniques for a new course we are developing that will help aerialists build strength and power efficiently.

What are your short and long term aerial goals?

Write them down, tell a friend, get to work and let inspiration find you!

Have a fantastic rest of your week!

Much love,
Brett and Rachel

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